CREATURE of the Night

CREATURE – at home in the night shadows.

You live in a small town/a village, in the valley between two mountains. You like to walk in the hills after the evening meal, to enjoy the quiet time before going to bed. One night, you venture a bit further away.

The sun has gone down, but you are not concerned. This is your hometown. It is a safe place to live. And you have a full moon to guide you.

Up the path, to your right, you see a female shape, crouching down. She appears to have a streak of blood on the side of her face. You call out, “Are you all right? Do you need help?”

Her head swivels around to face you. In that moment, just as the moon goes behind a cloud, you see that this is a female unlike anything you have seen before. You realize that the blood on her face is because she was feeding on some small creature. And you have interrupted her feeding. A chill of fear travels down your spine.

You have just met CREATURE – dangerous, deadly, alien.

CREATURE — for roleplay or your play. Or change her skin and you will find that she cleans up beautifully, into a model tall shapely woman with slanted eyes and a full mouth.

Shape only – Mod Copy body.
Style card included so you can get the exact look in the photo.

Adult Second Shapes in Bronlen 70, 246, 36

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Adult Second Shapes – When Perfection is the Bottom Line